Within the Caribbean, many persons flock towards the international websites. However, today we’re going to take a look at the websites within the region, more specifically Government Websites within the Caribbean.
What is a Government Website?
A Government Website, also termed as an e-Government is basically a website for the government/country. This website usually serves as a portal for information about the Country.One can expect to find, perhaps the history, location, government news etc. Additional to the typical information, the site can be used to host downloadable/digital government forms, serve as a business directory, host tenders for government projects and provide links to different departments within the government and the possibilities can be endless. At eCaribbean, we know what makes a good Government Site and are equipped to build a Small to Large sized website to meet any needs.
Check out a list of Government Websites in the Caribbean
Trinidad and Tobago – http://www.ttconnect.gov.tt/gortt/portal/ttconnect
Turks & Caicos – http://www.gov.tc/portal/page/portal/G2G
Antigua and Barbuda – http://www.antigua.gov.ag/
Barbados – http://www.gov.bb/bigportal/big/
Belize – http://www.belize.gov.bz/
Grenada – http://www.gov.gd/
Dominica – http://www.dominica.gov.dm/cms/
Haiti – http://www.haiti.org/
St. Kitts – http://www.gov.kn/
St. Lucia – http://www.stlucia.gov.lc/
Montserrat – http://www.gov.ms/
St.Vincent & the Grenadines – http://www.gov.vc/
Suriname – http://www.gov.sr/
http://www.gov.ky/portal/page?_pageid=1142,1&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL – Cayman Islands
http://www.cr-guadeloupe.fr/ – Guadeloupe
http://www.cr-guadeloupe.fr/ – Guadeloupe
http://www.bvi.gov.vg/ – British virgin islands
http://www2.pr.gov/Pages/default.aspx – Puerto Rico